Most students pursuing a master’s in psychology or a doctorate in psychology will be required to complete the Graduate Record Exams (GRE’s). This is a standardized test that is required for entrance into many different graduate programs. There is a GRE General Test as well as specialized GRE’s in subject areas such as psychology.
What Kind of Material Is Covered on the GRE’s?
The GRE General Test includes a number of questions that yield scores that are helpful for graduate and business schools to determine the best candidates for their programs. The questions are categories that reflect the skills and information that will be required for graduate or business school. These include questions from the following categories:
- Verbal Reasoning — These questions measures a students aptitude for analyzing and evaluating written data and utilizing the information that has been obtained from the data.
- Quantitative Reasoning — This grouping of questions measure problem-solving skills, as well as basic concepts in subject areas like mathematics, algebra, geometry and data analysis.
- Analytical Writing — These are a group of questions designed to measure a student’s critical thinking and analytical writing skills. It is a good measure of how well a potential graduate student can communicative and support multifaceted ideas clearly and effectively.
How Do I Prepare for the GRE’s?
The GRE’s are offered at over 1,000 test centers throughout 160 countries and many of these centers offer training courses to help improve test scores. There are also computer programs, apps and books that can be very helpful to students who want to be prepared for this test. Educational Testing Service (ETS), who creates and offers the test offers a number of test prep options on their website.
How Much Does the GRE Cost?
The GRE General test costs $195 and students can register for the test and make their payment on the ETS website. Subject tests vary depending upon the subject.
In What Format is the Test Delivered?
The test is offered in both a computer format and a paper format. While the paper test was the standard in the past, there is a move toward a fully digital, computer-delivered testing method. Students can take the computer-delivered test once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous calendar year (365 days). Students may take the paper-delivered test as often as it is offered.
GRE scores are an important consideration for many graduate and business schools when they consider which students to permit into a program. Students who receive high scores on their GRE’s will have a greater deal of options when choosing a school. It is important to be well prepared when taking the GRE in order to receive the highest score possible.